



iPaint用料選擇:無毒環保材料,›美國環保無毒油漆 US Mythic Non-toxic Paint,›由美國進口,不含甲酫、無任何致癌物質,›牆灰及批盪均無VOC, 甲酫等有害物質。

計劃背景 – 合作夥伴(Joint Partnership)

計劃背景 – 合作夥伴(Joint Partnership)

菁然有限公司(Natural Direct Company Limited)

›推廣環保綠色家居生活的社會企業,另有計劃 Rhino Green Corner (銷售天然、不含有害化學物的環保家居用品) 及iPlant (回收油漆罐,以新式種植系統栽種淨化空氣植物)


›A social enterprise that promotes green and toxic-free home living, we run another 2 projects – Rhino Green Corner ( Selling natural and toxic free household products) and iPlant (a project that upcyclies used Mythic Paint cans into a plant system that purifies air)

新生精神康復會-朗程自閉症狀人士輔助就業服務(New Life Psychiatric Association – iSPARK)

›全港首間專為18歲或以上,受亞氏保加症/自閉症障礙影響,而智力健全的人士 提供一站式及多元化之輔助就業服務,支援他們的長遠就業發展,以達至公開就業及融入社會的目標。


›The first centre that provides one stop service from pre-vocational assessment to open employment to persons aged 18 or above challenged by Autism Spectrum Disorder with normal intelligence so as to enable them to realise their full potentials at work, support their long-term career developments and their social integration

iPaint 的使命與目的

iPaint 的使命與目的

›自 = 自立;

›i = independence and self-reliance



›Provides training and job placement opportunities to autistic individuals and enables them to have income-earning power


›自 = 自信心;

›i = instil self -confidence



›Through job provision, autistic individuals can regain their self-confidence and ultimately better integrate into the community and  rebuild their social networks


›自 = 自然;推廣環保綠色生活態度

›i = improves eco-green living environment and promote green living style



›Provides green living home design and decoration ideas , builds a healthy home and avoids putting individuals at health/allergy risks
